Customer Testimonials

Just some of the excellent feedback we’ve received from many satisfied customers.

  • The guys you provided were brilliant, so thank you. It made a stressful time not that stressful it that makes sense.

    Suzy Wakefield
  • Everything went extremely smoothly from the day the removal took place until delivery of our house contents the following day. Your staff members were professional, polite and more than helpful during the entire period.

    We will certainly recommend your company to any of our friends and colleagues who may be considering a move in the near future.

    Thank you once again for making our move a less than stressful experience!

    Ann & Sandy Aitchison
  • Precision Moves was a great company to work with. Their communication was excellent, the men were hard working and extremely helpful and I would be more than happy to recommend them to anyone.

    Rona Young
  • Precision Moves have provided an excellent service, they made our move from Edinburgh to Lancaster very easy. This dedicated and enthusiastic team are very reliable and we will definitely be using them again, as well as recommending this company to all our friends.

    Kris Parkinson
  • We would just like to say a Big Thanks for everything you and your company achieved for us on our house move on Tuesday. Your removal service was outstanding and both your attitude's fantastic. You have certainly chosen the correct name and live it 100% Precision!!! We will recommend you at every opportunity and won't hesitate to use your services in the future.

    Veronica Leigh